Lead Marketing – Short Conceptual Explanation

Lead Marketing is the process of finding people who might be interested in a product or service, and then undergoing the process of turning them into buyers through various marketing strategies. This can be done online or offline. Cold leads are distinguished from warm leads to further personalize the process of lead marketing with the purpose of increasing sales.

Ways to Generate Leads with Lead Marketing

There are multiple ways to generate leads, both online and offline. Common examples of using lead marketing online include:

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Lead Marketing – Short Conceptual Explanation

For example, an internet user may search a web browser for a product or service. A company’s website may be included in the search results, thanks to SEO. When visiting the webpage, that user may be prompted with a landing page that requests their email address. If provided, this email address becomes a lead.
Generating leads can also be done offline. For example, visitors at a trade show could provide their contact information in exchange for entering a raffle. Additional examples of offline lead generation include:

  • Vouchers or gifts
  • Free product samples
  • Loyalty and bonus programs
  • Information or services that aren’t freely available
  • Activation of premium content, products, or services
Cold Leads versus Warm Leads

Cold Leads versus Warm Leads

It is important to distinguish between cold leads and warm leads in lead marketing. A lead is considered warm if the information was provided voluntarily. Both examples above under the previous heading are warm leads. They are warm because the person who provided the contact information has already demonstrated an interest in the products or services being offered by giving out their contact information willingly.
Cold leads include people who did not directly provide their contact information. Cold calling is a common example, where the person placing the call got a number from a list and called that person directly, regardless of their interest or knowledge of a particular product or service.
It is important to distinguish between cold leads and warm leads because the tactics used to market to each group are different.

Lead Marketing Tactics after Generation

Generating leads is only one step of the process. It is important to market to leads properly.
Marketing to warm leads is easier than marketing to cold leads. Because warm leads have already shown an interest in a product or service, reminding them of the product or service they are interested in, pointing them in the direction of an online blog where they can learn more, or providing them with contact information can help clinch a sale.
Marketing to cold leads is about exposing someone to a particular product or service. This kind of marketing can seem very intrusive, so it’s important to tread lightly. These leads will be more likely to appreciate vouchers or coupons in the mail rather than calls to their cell phone, for example.

Lead Marketing Tactics after Generation

Data Security and Lead Marketing

Lead marketing is not possible without the use of specialized data management systems. These systems can organize large groups of marketing leads, and they allow for a targeted and unique approach to each group. However, customers do not want their information being used for shady purposes. Good lead marketing involves the use of security systems to protect personal information, and it means not obtaining personal information from questionable sources.