Calculate Your Corporate Carbon Footprint – Reduce GHG Emissions and Go Net Zero

Corporate Carbon Footprint

Carbon emissions from businesses are a major contributor to climate change. Fortunately, more and more companies are recognizing the need to take action on climate change and are setting ambitious goals to reduce their corporate carbon footprint. If your company is looking to calculate its carbon footprint and develop a plan to go net zero regarding greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, here’s what you need to know:

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Create your own group of participants from our crowd

Creating participant groups at clickworker


On our marketplace, you can create any number of Clickworker groups through the menu item Participant Groups “Internal”. These groups can then be selected (invited) or excluded (blocked) as participants during the order process.


Usage of Participant Groups

Creating a Group of Authors

A group of writers can be effectively formed from authors/Clickworkers whose previous work you found particularly impressive. This allows you to direct subsequent orders specifically to Clickworkers from your author group. This way, you can better control the results and optimize them according to your expectations.

Similarly, it can be helpful to specifically exclude certain author groups. For example, you can block authors whose style or thematic focus doesn’t match your requirements. This ensures that your orders are only processed by suitable Clickworkers.

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clickworker Survey Service – New Features and Integrated Survey Tool

Survey Tool

At the beginning of the year we developed a new self-service “Surveys” offering for you. Since then we have received a lot of positive responses, and are pleased with the high usage rate of the service. We also received some customer requests regarding an even faster, as well as more individual execution of your surveys. We took these to heart and now, together with some ideas of our own, have implemented an advanced version of the “Surveys” service.

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