Content marketing for banks – the best content strategies

Today’s bank customers are well informed. They know how important their personal data is for their financial institution. And that also includes finance related activities. As a rule, customers are willing to disclose this data, but in return they expect personalized, simple, and value-enhancing digital services. An intelligent content strategy is therefore a must for any bank that wants to endure in the market and achieve good positions.
New goals for banks
Banks and companies operating in the financial market benefit from content marketing – and especially from analytics that measure the success of various marketing campaigns. A bank’s digital success involves various aspects:
- How can banks keep young people as loyal customers in the long term?
- How can they present themselves as trustworthy through their bank marketing?
- How can they ensure that they are accessible in every digital medium?
- How can they use interactive content to boost business?
This article addresses these four points in the following and reveals where simple measures can often lead to improvements.
1. Future customers: young people
Young people determine tomorrow’s market. Which is why you should use your website or blog as a source of qualified content such as educational infortmation about banking and finance. This type of content offers a great opportunity for banks. Many millenials and members of Generation Z are disappointed with the status quo in this area. Young people do not feel well informed. This gap can be filled:
- With clear FAQs
- With an interactive chat function that is available around the clock (24/7)
- With blog articles on current financial topics
By providing a comprehensive program of educational content, the Queensborough National Bank & Trust Co. offers an impressive example of a good digital concept. In doing so, the bank not only supports existing customers, but is already securing an image advantage in terms of expertise among potential customers.
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2. Transparency and trust
Customers were demanding more transparency from their banks well before the financial crisis. Trust is a lucrative value in the financial world. That is why a bank’s customer service today must be well informed on the one hand, and on the other hand rely on consistent personalization.
Customers are not going to place their trust in a bank whose website is temporarily unavailable — even if it’s only for a few minutes. They will not tolerate depersonalized interactions with a company that remains faceless to them. Therefore, a website, as part of bank marketing, must be friendly and appealing in order to avoid these negative impressions. It must also offer valuable content. This includes free accessible information and advice on topics such as investments, loans, home ownership, budgeting and financing.
Potential customers will only trust a company that makes them feel important and central to their business. And today, this can only be achieved with qualified content that addresses customers on an equal footing.
3. Always within reach – via any device
The more accessible a service is, the more successful the campaigns related to it will be. Potential customers want unrestricted access to services and content at all times, regardless of their device. Today, relevant content is presented in a wide variety of formats to meet individual preferences:
- E-books
- Webinars
- Videos
- FAQs
- Blog articles
It goes without saying that a website must be mobile-friendly. Both the design and the functionality must be ensured for every device (so called responsive design). The availability of similar content in different formats is ideal. This allows the customer to access videos, infographics and texts according to their mood.
4. Interactivity boosts business
Interactive content invites existing and potential customers to participate. This includes, for example, quiz-style games, the opportunity to submit ratings, or various calculators that are immediately available on the site. The latter lends a personalized face to abstract offers. Interactivity — which also means scrolling and click-through — prevents high bounce rates. After all, more than 50 percent of all visitors exit a website after just 15 seconds. With interactive tools, progressive banks keep interested users on their website.
- Analyses of customers’ behavior on their customer journey reveal the best touchpoints for the use of marketing targets.
- This information can, in turn, be used to optimize future campaigns.
Interactivity is an important component in the overall concept, because these opportunities also signal customer appreciation by the company.
Banks are particularly well positioned to benefit from the digital opportunities offered by the Internet. A financial company that becomes a pioneer in digital content, interactivity and reliable 24/7 services develops long-term prospects that pay off. Mere advertising for services has had its day. In the digital age, only high-quality content is convincing — and that applies to both existing and potential customers.