Concept Testing: Ideas on the test bench

concept testing

How good or bad is an idea? Concept Testing provides meaningful data on the prospects for success even prior to the development of new products and marketing campaigns. Concept Testing prevents failures from the very beginning.

Why Concept Testing?

Whether a traditional advertising campaign or online marketing with content strategy and search engine optimization, every project carries risks. The risk of a flop is costly. It therefore makes sense to test the real prospects of a product launch or campaign at an early stage. This is where concept testing comes into play. It tests the basic project idea.

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Optimizing Your Business Site for Smoother Customer Experience

Optimizing Your Business Site

In 2021, there are anywhere between 12 to 24 million online shops across the internet, with more being created every day. With this amount of competition, online businesses must discover effective strategies to attract more customers and maintain their loyalty.

One crucial factor that affects your brand’s success is customer experience. A Walker study found that at the end of 2020, customer experience overtook price and product as the key brand differentiator.

This article will dive deeper into what customer experience is and its importance to your business. We will also take a look at nine ways to improve customer experience on your business website.

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5 marketing tactics every eCommerce business should be using

marketing tactics for ecommerce

If you’re working in eCommerce in 2021, you should be focusing on using the most effective digital marketing tactics in order to sell your products or services. In this article, we’re going to outline different tactics you can use to improve your sales. Let’s get started.

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5 ways you can improve your SEO by boosting your site’s E-A-T


Search engine optimization (SEO) is a marketing strategy that helps you improve your website’s visibility and rankings on relevant search engine results pages. It’s a very important aspect of marketing that can help you reach your target audience and drive more traffic to your website.

One of the ways you can improve your site’s SEO is by enhancing its E-A-T and, in this article, we will look at how to do that.

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5 ways you can ensure your website attracts your ideal customers

website for customers

When you’re focusing on making your website top-notch, you’ll want to ensure that it’s optimized to attract your ideal audience. This will consist of the people you’re trying to sell your products or services to.
You’ll want to consider every aspect of your typical customer’s journey, from how they usually come across your business, to what they’re likely to be looking for on your website. This will help you to get a better idea of how you can grab the attention of the most relevant people, and then hold their hand through the process of making a purchase.

In this article, I’m going to outline some of my top tips for ensuring that your website is going to attract your target customers. Read on to find out more.

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Four Ways to Promote Your Own Business

own Business

If you’re in the process of setting up your own business – whether online or a brick-and-mortar store – your first hurdle is to make yourself visible. The wealth of information available on the web, as well the numerous advertisements users are confronted with on a daily basis, make it difficult for a business to remain in the customers’ memory. If you want to become visible, you need to plan and carefully carry out the appropriate measures. Here are some ideas that can help even a small and new business to generate visibility:

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Generating online profit with your own website — this is how it can be done

own Website

A popular website is practically a guarantee of economic success these days. If you are looking for a way to earn some money on the World Wide Web, a website is therefore a highly attractive option. However, in practice it is often more difficult than expected to generate the desired traffic and the corresponding revenue. This article will take a closer look at what really matters when it comes to moving up the ladder.

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Your Own Website as a Freelancer – Why it Makes Sense

Freelancer Website

As a general rule, freelancers who have their own website get more jobs. The reason for this is simply that potential employers can get an idea of the services available, without much effort or the need for follow-up questions, and when interested can easily make contact.

Freelancers rely on always being able to find new projects and jobs to survive self-employment. To facilitate this, it’s initially important to be able to be found, demonstrate presence and in some way advertise yourself. Because freelancers today receive many or even most of their assignments via the internet, a website for a freelancer is more than a chance to just present yourself. It is the best business card you can create.

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Content marketing for banks – the best content strategies

Content strategies

Today’s bank customers are well informed. They know how important their personal data is for their financial institution. And that also includes finance related activities. As a rule, customers are willing to disclose this data, but in return they expect personalized, simple, and value-enhancing digital services. An intelligent content strategy is therefore a must for any bank that wants to endure in the market and achieve good positions.

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Writing copy for social media: What does really count?

Writing copy for social media

Regular posts on social media are must-haves in marketing. Everyone is participating – and that’s why it’s hard to stand out from the crowd. At the same time, one must be present on social media platforms to avoid being forgotten. How do you write posts for X, Facebook & Co. that are not only attention-grabbing but also achieve the desired goal? Here are 8 tips for good texts in social media forums.

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