Find the Best Content Writers for Hire – A Comprehensive Guide

Content Writers for Hire

What should you look for in a content writer?
Many new entrepreneurs are confused about what they should be looking for when hiring quality writers. They’re not sure what to ask, or how much it will cost them. It can be hard to find an answer if they don’t have any experience with the process themselves!
Writing is your company’s backbone: without quality writing skills and proper management of your written word, it could easily crumble beneath you because customers won’t trust anything that’s not quality, and your company could even fall apart.
Do you have the time? Are you willing to invest in hiring content writers who can grow with your business because they’re interested in what it’s doing and want to help out? If so, continue reading:

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Amazon SEO: How to Optimize Your Product Listings for Better Rankings

Amazon SEO

Amazon SEO is an incredibly complex niche that requires a deep understanding of the Amazon marketplace and its processes. This article will provide an overview on how you can optimize your product listings with low costs and quick turnaround times to increase organic rankings when Amazon’s algorithm is expected to change.

Amazon search has outstripped Google when it comes to product search. Customer reviews and other information regarding the article requested are mainly searched for on Amazon. And anyone who wants to sell on the Internet cannot ignore Amazon.

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How Product Data makes the difference in E-Commerce

Product Data

What used to be oil is now data. More and better product information provides the basis for commercial success – especially in e-commerce. It’s all about using intelligently prepared data to attract customers to your own website, offer them a unique shopping experience, and ultimately bring them to conversion. Solid, consistent and up-to-date product information is the basis for this.

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Stemming, Stop Words and SEO

Stemming, Stop Words and SEO

House or houses, the house or just house – how do these small differences affect SEO? Stemming and stop words have been a controversial topic for search engine optimization for years. Is it worth paying attention to these nuances? Or are inflections, prepositions and articles irrelevant for a successful ranking on Google?

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SEO keywords: dead or alive?

Keywords SEO

Content, search intent, user experience, differentiated user signals, and artificial intelligence (AI) — Google’s ranking criteria are becoming increasingly complex. So where does that leave keywords? Have the keywords in the text outlived their usefulness as ranking factors? The relevance of keywords for search engine optimization has changed. Online copywriters are now facing new challenges.

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5 ways you can improve your SEO by boosting your site’s E-A-T


Search engine optimization (SEO) is a marketing strategy that helps you improve your website’s visibility and rankings on relevant search engine results pages. It’s a very important aspect of marketing that can help you reach your target audience and drive more traffic to your website.

One of the ways you can improve your site’s SEO is by enhancing its E-A-T and, in this article, we will look at how to do that.

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How search results exactly match the search intention of the user

search intention

Have you ever wondered how search engines work? There are literally billions of web pages available online with millions more being created every year. Search engines do not only help you find a particular site, they also help find content and information within that site.

Consider the fact that search results need to work within a website also helping you find the specific “widget” you’re looking for so that you can make your purchase.

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Content marketing for banks – the best content strategies

Content strategies

Today’s bank customers are well informed. They know how important their personal data is for their financial institution. And that also includes finance related activities. As a rule, customers are willing to disclose this data, but in return they expect personalized, simple, and value-enhancing digital services. An intelligent content strategy is therefore a must for any bank that wants to endure in the market and achieve good positions.

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Writing copy for social media: What does really count?

Writing copy for social media

Regular posts on social media are must-haves in marketing. Everyone is participating – and that’s why it’s hard to stand out from the crowd. At the same time, one must be present on social media platforms to avoid being forgotten. How do you write posts for X, Facebook & Co. that are not only attention-grabbing but also achieve the desired goal? Here are 8 tips for good texts in social media forums.

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Which Google ranking factors really count?

Google ranking factors

Content, keywords, page speed, backlinks, meta tags and much more – the number of supposed factors for placement on Google is large. But which ranking criteria really count? A new study by Backlinko brings some light into the darkness. After all, the study is based on 11.8 million search queries. It confirms what is already known, but it also offers surprises.

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