Is Google Misogynistic?
Is Google misogynistic? The ranking for certain keywords certainly provides grounds for this suspicion. However, the phenomenon of unequal treatment isn’t really the fault of the algorithms but is a fundamental problem with the German language. And those who want to can ensure for themselves that the results list is free from discrimination.
Read moreHow to generate backlinks and improve your ranking – 13 tips
In the early days of the internet, backlinks, along with keywords, were a foolproof strategy to rank high on Google. Decades later, many other factors have come into play. However, backlinks remain SEO-relevant. What are backlinks? How important are they for Google ranking today? And how can backlinks be generated? We’ve compiled the best methods.
Read moreText classification – areas of application on the Internet
There are billions of websites with countless texts on the Internet. This makes it difficult to keep track of them. Text classification is a method that provides an overall view and structures the offer. Which application areas are there for text classifications in the World Wide Web?
Read moreWhat Should We Write About in Our Blog? 25 Ideas for Text Content
Are you familiar with this problem? At first you start writing your blog with a lot of zeal. But after a few months you run out of ideas. It seems like everything has already been written about. We’ll show you 25 ways to consistently generate new copy content without repeating yourself.
Read moreSearch engine optimization: These 8 SEO plug-ins for chrome can help
In today’s post we will introduce eight browser SEO plug-ins for Chrome, with which you can tackle various search engine optimization issues. We selected Chrome because it is the most common browser and it has a correspondingly large range of plug-ins.
Read moreRedirects and SEO
A redirect is used to move an Internet address to a different URL. The technical implementation is usually quite straightforward. However, one ought to keep certain details in mind to maintain better rankings with Google & co. and to avoid losing users. This is because redirects are also relevant for search engine optimization.
Read moreSEO Content – Text optimization by text expansion or re-writing?
When a website is going to be optimized for Google and other search engines the text passages on the individual pages are especially important. They have to namely demonstrate to Google the value they offer users. In many cases these texts already exist. Often though their content is too lean, as Google loves copy with depth. So the question arises: is it better to enhance these texts (text optimization), or start over and write new ones? After all a copy overhaul can be done more cost-effectively than having a completely new article written. We’ll take a look at whether that is true, and when which approach makes the most sense.
Read moreUse of images and videos on websites
Photos, graphics and videos make up an integral component of today’s successful websites. Whether a company’s internet presence, an online store, or a portal for a gallery, museum or travel agency, the use of images and videos on websites effectively support the provided content and significantly enhance these websites for both users and search engines.
Utilizing media on internet portals is a trend that can be observed all over the web. Companies want to improve their image on their website with photos and videos, and make their brand more well-known, online shops want to market their products, and organizations want to disseminate important information. But galleries, museums and archives also want to make their photos, images of objects or videos available to the largest number of visitors possible. For those focused on enhancing their media’s impact, services like image and video tagging can prove invaluable. Photos and videos arouse curiosity in the viewer, and create an incentive to engage more closely with the products or services.
Creating Online Lexica and Online Glossaries
Corporate identity, crossmedia and workflow, resilience and synergy – the language of the modern world teems with Anglicisms, buzzwords and special terms whose meaning is not immediately clear to everyone. Online lexica and online glossary texts can provide relief where internet surfers or media users are in danger of getting lost in the jungle of foreign words and digital tech jargon.
Online lexica and glossaries simply and concisely explain a subject’s complicated terms and in this way make the issue being discussed understandable for a wider audience. Online lexica, as a separate electronic database, provide the user systematically organized, general or specialized information that is as comprehensive as possible. On the other hand, online glossary texts are attachments (so-called addendums) to a blog or website, that further define the central technical terms used in the article by providing synonyms, translations or explanatory sentences.
Today’s printed or digital glossaries consist of lists of terms and their explanations, usually arranged in alphabetical order. Their origin goes back to antiquity where it was common to use marginal notes (so-called glosses) to facilitate the reading of written works. The most well-known online lexicon, available in various language versions, is offered by the free-licensed encyclopedia Wikipedia, which is compiled by many co-authors.